Welcome Kingston!
Place pick up orders up to 14 days ahead
Delivery available (unless we are slammed)
Events Calendar

118-370 King St West | Kingston | K7L 2X4
MON - SAT | 8AM - 6PM | November to April
MON - FRI | 8AM - 7PM | May to October
*SAT close at 6PM
SUN | 9AM - 5PM
Check Google for Holiday hours
info@junipercafe.ca | 613.344.1736
3-497 Cataraqui Woods Dr | Kingston | K7P 0V3
TUE - FRI | 7:30AM - 6PM
*THURSDAY 9pm close (until Christmas)
SAT & MON | 7:30AM - 5PM
SUN | 8AM - 5PM
Holiday Mondays OPEN 8AM - 3PM
info@junipercafe.ca | 613.549.6086
Working out of our space?
Thanks to so many loyal customers, our space gets very busy and fills up quickly. We welcome and encourage your brief meetings and technology time. However, due to our limited seating, we ask laptop users to be mindful of the time spent at tables to allow others to have a chance at a seat. To honour this, we have instilled a ‘technology free’ policy between 11am-2pm.
Further, we ask that technology time accompanies the purchase of food & drink and that your time at the table is limited to 1 hour. Baristas reserve the right to ask patrons to give up their seats to make room for others when necessary.
Thank you for sharing the space!